AHP is licensed by the Pennsylvania DEP to calibrate radiation survey instrumentation. This service and others are described below:
Survey Meter Calibration: Radiation survey meters can be calibrated to the following:
- Cs-137
- Ra-226 (NORM)
- Electronic pulsing with appropriate efficiencies to alpha and beta standards
- Calibration system conforms to the requirements of: USNRC 10CFR-34, 10CFR-35, 10CFR-39, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994, ANSI STD N323A-1997 and N323-1978.
- Calibration certificates are essential and should be maintained for inspection by the governing regulatory agency.
To ensure Regulatory Compliance, reminder notices are sent 30 days prior to calibration due date.
Instrument Calibration Data Form
Repairs – Free estimates provided.
Leasing – AHP maintains a wide variety of portable survey meters, area monitors and laboratory instruments for short or long-term leasing. Each instrument will be supplied with the appropriate detector and a new calibration for up to one year. Leasing can offset the need for and cost of a purchase.
Sales – AHP represents major manufacturers of radiation survey equipment and can assist with the proper purchase.
AHP techs can visit facilities to calibrate fixed and portable detection systems.
Calibration of Gamma Spectroscopy Systems to include isotope identification.
What is NIST? NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Dept.’s Tech. Administration.